February 23, 2011

Push Ups, Push Ups, and more Push Ups!

Today will be a short blog. I just want to share a link that was passed to me.

Everyone who knows me, and knows me well, KNOWS that I LOVE push ups!

They are a great overall upper body strengthening exercise.

Working through your back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and core!

Check it out and tell me what you think? Try and few and see how you feel. Start with 1 set of 10 repetitions and build from there!


Keep moving,

February 16, 2011

What is Core Conditioning?

 Core Conditioning focuses on abdominal and back muscles to improve posture, balance and core strength. 

Here are a few exercises to get you started!!

Plank: Plank position with your forearms and toes on floor. Keep your torso straight. Engage the abdominal muscles, head relaxed, look towards the floor. Hold for 10 seconds to start.

Side Plank: Lay on floor. Position elbow on the floor right under your shoulder.  Lift up on elbow, and keep body in straight line. Keep the hips high. Hold for 10 seconds to start and don’t forget to switch sides.

Push Up: Keep your head raised and looking forward, and your body in a perfect horizontal plane. Your elbows should bend back, not out to the side. Lower down and then push up. Do 10 repetitions to start.

Bridge Pose: Lay on back, hands by your side, knees bent and feet flat on floor.  Feet under your knees, and feet about hip distance apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and your glutes. Raise your hips up and make a straight line from knees to shoulders. Squeeze your core; draw the navel towards your spine. Hold in bridge for 20-30 seconds to start.

Lunge with a twist: Stand with feet shoulder width apart.  (Medicine ball optional) Step forward with your left foot into lunge position. Be sure to keep your left knee over your left foot; don’t twist at the knee. From your torso, twist your upper body to the left.  Slow and controlled movement. Repeat other side. Perform 5-10 repetitions on each side.

Superman: Lay face down on floor or mat your arms stretched above your head (like superman).  Raise your right arm and left leg about 5-6 inches off the ground. (As far as you can) Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Repeat with opposite arm and leg)

Keep Moving,


February 9, 2011

What Motivates YOU?

I recently was asked by one of my friends “how do you stay motivated to exercise?”

Simple, what motivates me is a feeling. The feeling of accomplishment when I start to see results of all my hard work, and the simple fact that I am doing this thing called “exercise” to improve my overall health. 

Different things motivate different people. You have to find that within yourself. As a trainer I motivate my clients in different ways.

I provide them with new and challenging programs, words of encouragement, and guidance to help them make healthy choices. 

What is that driving force that keeps YOU motivated? Perhaps it’s your workout partner?  Some hire personal trainers to keep them motivated. Tracking your progress is a great motivator! Setting goals and achieving them is another great way to keep motivated. 

Whatever it is, I will say it again, you have to find that within yourself. There are some days when I am definitely NOT motivated to do anything! And those are the days when you need that extra push.  What is that?

Well again, it’s that feeling!  Pushing me extra hard on those days and knowing how it makes me feel when I’m finished my workout. Recently I have just registered to run a ½ marathon.

Why? Well all proceeds are going towards Colon Cancer. Last year my aunt passed away from Colon Cancer. So this run for me is extra special. I am motivated to do this for my aunt and for my family. Again, this is what motivates me….

So, what motivates YOU? 

Keep Moving,

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